You answer simple questions about your organization.
We'll do the math.
The INFORMS Analytics Maturity Model lets you do a self-assessment that analyzes three critical organizational themes. In each of 12 simple, probing factor questions, you will rate your score on a scale of 1-10, have the option of setting a numerical goal, and set dates to achieve your goal. A summary page for each theme enumerates the maturity level for each factor, explains your maturity level in detail, and supplies charts that visualize your maturity and track your progress.
The INFORMS Analytics Maturity Model lets you choose the level of participation that's most comfortable for you. You can get the most out of the model by creating a profile and storing your responses. Prefer to try the model first? Sign in as a guest and decide later whether to create a profile or leave the model without any commitment.
You can also select the depth of assessment that works best for you. Short on time? Use the Quick Assessment and see where you rank. Ready to probe deeply? Complete the Full Assessment that lets you access the model's full power, setting goals and obtaining advice.